Wellll, its been awhile since I'v put up a blog, but I've been wondering about something and finally decided to post. So, why do people that circumcise their child/infant because their religion tells them to think it is ok? Isn't that forcing your religion on them? Isn't that a big no no? Shouldn't this choice be made by the person the operation is being performed on? I realize the religion may be important to the parents, but the child might follow another religion, or maybe even non...
While reading an article on homosexuality, I noticed a lot of people would ask the same question, "what is normal". I don't see why people find it so confusing, it is simple. Normal, of course, is everything the bible says is right (if you aren't religious, it is what you don't find disgusting). Abnormal is everything the bible says is wrong (and what you find sick). Some people try to propose homosexuality is something that is in genetics that they are born with it, which of course is...