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Jason's Blog
Circumcision, Forcing Religion?
Published on October 1, 2007 By
Wellll, its been awhile since I'v put up a blog, but I've been wondering about something and finally decided to post. So, why do people that circumcise their child/infant because their religion tells them to think it is ok? Isn't that forcing your religion on them? Isn't that a big no no? Shouldn't this choice be made by the person the operation is being performed on?
I realize the religion may be important to the parents, but the child might follow another religion, or maybe even none at all. Who is to say their choice is any less valid? What do you tell him in this case, well we know our religion is the one true religion so we did the right thing, you'll come around eventually? Self sacrifice is one thing (although I still dont like the idea of being forced to alter your body to be accepted) but, not giving your son a choice just reeks of forcing your religion. Another thing I dont understand.... and I dont claim to be all knowing when it comes to religion, but I didn't think circumcision HAD to be done before the child is old enough to decide for himself. If I remember right, Jew children can decide after they are 13 (which I think is still to young). You can be circumcised any time if you choose (for religion or not), so why force it?
Perhaps im not looking at the whole picture... religion may be a big part of their decision, but along with it comes their personal beliefs. "Its looks better, the sensitivity is just fine, its cleaner, its... normal". So although they feel this way mainly because they where not given a choice they have not experienced both sides, others with the same beliefs are the same way, circ becomes the new normal. So not only will leaving their son intact be going against their religion, they have little/no personal experience with being intact, so it also would be going in to uncharted territory, they dont know what to expect, so they "play it safe" and the cycle continues.
Now, I am curious what other think on this. HOWEVER, if you noticed, I tried to stay away from the medical arguments in this post, I am
interested in debating that here, if you want to give thoughts on them, please post on my other thread.
Thanks, civil discuss away!
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Circumcision, Forcing Religion?
Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
Gideon MacLeish
on Oct 03, 2007
Our boys aren't circumsized, but I'm guessing that don't surprise y'all...lol!
on Oct 03, 2007
seriously, what kinda god demands tips?
in any event, nothing--including circumcision--is absolute.
want it back? start here:
a modest prepuce-ition
on Oct 04, 2007
We have four sons. Not one of them has come to us and said this. In fact, I've never heard of such a thing happening.
Circ rates where high back then, so many guys feel "normal". Who knows how many men cut would like to be intact, and of those, who resents his status enough to tell his parents, but I would say it is becoming more and more common as circ rates lower and people learn that is it more then a simple snip.
But if a 15 year old had to have it done (and it's been done many times later in life) I'm pretty sure he'd be asking his parents why they didn't do this when he was two days old instead of 15.
The answer is simple really
... "your body, your choice", "although some people like the look of cut more, what matters is what you think", "medical data was to conflicting to make a choice for you", "babies cant have the proper pain meds, so although you wouldn't remember it, you still would have experienced the pain", "if we circumcised you, and you would rather be intact, you couldn't get back what was lost, all you could do was foreskin restoration, which takes years where circumcising as an adult takes about a month", and im sure there are more im missing. My friend was intact and got circumcised when he was 17, he said although it was painful, he had plenty of meds and was still glad his parents left the choice to him.
I think circumcision is less a religious issue and more a cosmetic one.
Which is what I hate most about it.... I like the intact look more, but the kids opinion doesn't matter.
seriously, what kinda god demands tips?
Heh, that along with the "conformity" is what I hate most about religious circ.
I still wonder about this for those who support religious circ:
Lets say for a second here, that instead of circ, it was removing half of the right ear. Is it still ok to perform the ritual for religion? If you still dont think that is forcing religion, then what would you call it?
However, everyone keeps coming back to non-relgious reasons for/against circ. Does that mean most of you dont think a religious circ is warranted?
Gideon MacLeish
on Oct 04, 2007
Who knows how many men cut would like to be intact, and of those, who resents his status enough to tell his parents, but I would say it is becoming more and more common as circ rates lower and people learn that is it more then a simple snip.
I wouldn't mind having MY tip back. For cryin' out loud, man, us....umm, less endowed guys have it hard enough without some jerk taking part of it OFF!
But seriously, though. I looked for a good, compelling reason for circumcision. I couldn't find one. I believe the reason for it in the OT had more to do with health/hygiene in a time when bathing was infrequent than it had to do with holiness.
on Oct 05, 2007
Hey James,
If I remember right, Jew children can decide after they are 13 (which I think is still to young).
A Jewish boy is to be circumcised on the 8th day.
My comments about circumcision...
The covenant of circumcision is a covenant of passing through. If you look at the covenant made with G-D prior to circumcision Abraham but some animals in half and then passed through the cutting. Circumcision is also a reason that Isaac is the CHOSEN one rather than Ishmael. Isaac wasn't conceived UNTIL after Abraham was circumcised. Thus the seed of Abraham passed through the cutting.
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